Cannabis 101 // May 13, 2020 // UrbanAroma Staff

How Do Weed Delivery Services Work?

How Do Weed Delivery Services Work?
Since cannabis has begun to be legalized all across the United States in one form or another, cannabis delivery services have popped up in just as many places. The process works similar to how a delivery from a pharmacy would work, although deliveries can be arranged for recreational cannabis in locations where cannabis is completely legal. Cannabis delivery services work in various ways depending on the state you're in. Some states have legalized delivery services as a part of the dispensary, but you must get approval before beginning deliveries. You may also be restricted in how much cannabis you can have in your vehicle at any given time. The amount of documentation that is required for a company to make deliveries may vary, as well.

Why Are Cannabis Delivery Services Valuable?

Cannabis delivery services are valuable for all, but their best usage is for medical patients who have limited mobility either due to physical or mental illness or due to lack of transportation to the dispensary.

What Are The Delivery Laws In Each State?

Some states have legalized medical and recreational delivery, while others only allow deliveries for registered medical patients. Here's a list of cannabis delivery laws by state where it's legalized in some form.


California first legalized home delivery in 2019 and delivery is legalized even to localities within California that have passed laws prohibiting cannabis. Because of this, delivery services are protected by the state in assisting medical patients in acquiring their cannabis even if they live in a city or county that has made it illegal. Vehicles may only carry up to $5,000 retail value of cannabis at any time and may not display on the vehicle anything that indicates they are part of a cannabis delivery service.


Oregon allows cannabis delivery statewide, but unlike California, the finer rules vary from locality to locality. State law says that cannabis items (flower, edibles, etc) can only be delivered to a home by a retailer licensed by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission or a representative of said retailer. A representative that delivers cannabis products for a retailer must be listed as an employee of that retailer, have a current marijuana worker permit card, and be listed on the mandatory transportation manifest recorded in the Cannabis Tracking System. Although the deliverer must be listed as an “employee”, they do not have to have an actual employee/employer legal relationship. Where the “employee” part comes in is the fact that the retailer will be held responsible for any violations of the law by their representative. Other rules and regulations apply.


Maine has legal delivery for medical patients, but not recreational. Deliveries must be from licensed dispensaries to registered medical patients.


Nevada allows contracted employees of a dispensary to deliver to consumer's homes, but they cannot deliver to commercial locations such as hotels, casinos, or other businesses. Only an ounce at a time can be delivered to a location.


Arizona only allows people who are registered medical patients to receive deliveries and those who deliver must be 21 years old. Those who deliver must be registered by the state and those who receive must be a registered medical patient or the registered caregiver of a medical patient. The state also keeps track of each delivery which includes the date, time, quantity, identity of the patient and the deliverer, etc.


Arkansas allows delivery as of the Medical Marijuana Amendment of 2016. The patient must be over 18 years old and registered as a medical user with the state. The product must be ordered from a licensed dispensary.


Delaware does not explicitly prohibit delivery of cannabis to medical patients, so unless a law is passed that prohibits it, it's legal. The cannabis must be purchased from a license dispensary and delivered to a registered medical patient.


Delivery is legal for medical patients in Florida, but they must be registered with the Medical Marijuana Use Registry. Their order for the product must also be submitted through the registry before it can be delivered to their home.


Delivery is allowed from a licensed to dispensary to registered medical patients.


Maryland requires delivery from a registered dispensary, but the medical patient must call the dispensary to request delivery. Proof of identification and delivery address is required.


Massachusetts allows medical patients to have their cannabis delivered. Recreational delivery should be made legalized over the next year or so.


Only registered medical patients with a state card can receive cannabis deliveries. The dispensary must have a copy of the person's Michigan state ID card before it is allowed to make any deliveries.


Minnesota allows deliveries to registered medical patients from licensed dispensaries. Only topicals, oils, liquids, and pills are available for purchase. Flower and edibles are not available for medical use.


Montana allows cannabis to be transported between licensed dispensaries and testing labs and they allow deliveries to a registered medical patient's home via a licensed dispensary or their licensed employees.

New Hampshire

New Hampshire law only allows medical cannabis delivery to registered medical patients from licensed dispensaries and distributors.

New Jersey

The state website for the medical marijuana program states that they committed to providing home delivery options in the future.

New Mexico

Home delivery is available from state licensed dispensaries for those registered with a medical marijuana card.

New York

As with other states, New York only allows medical patients to receive home deliveries through a licensed dispensary.

North Dakota

Licensed dispensaries can deliver products to patients that are registered with the state or registered caregivers. The dispensary must have a physical business location.


Ohio allows delivery to medical patients, but they are stringent on the type of packaging that has to be used and requires certain data to appears on the package, such as the name and license number of the cultivator, the dispensary, the product, batch or lot number, etc.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island requires medical patients to be registered with the state or have a medical card to receive delivery. Allows out of state medical cards.


Medical patients must provide their medical ID card to accept delivery.


Only medical patients may receive deliveries under Vermont law, although recreational cannabis is legal.

Washington DC

Washington DC weed delivery is unique in that you can possess cannabis, but you're not allowed to buy it or sell it. Initiative 71, which was passed in 2014, allows anyone over 21 to transfer up to one ounce to another person as long as no money changes hands. Because of this, delivery services can gift you cannabis after you purchase products from them, such as t-shirts, artwork, smoking related accessories, etc. Pick a product, choose your cannabis gift, and place the order. You may be asked to provide ID while making your order or they may require it when you receive your delivery. Always have your ID with you when they arrive. We have a complete guide on the ins and out's of legal weed in D.C.

West Virginia

Dispensaries must provide proof of patient registration to deliver to medical patients within the state.

Delivery Is Not Explicitly Legal In These States

  • Alaska
  • Hawaii
  • Louisiana
  • Missouri
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • Washington

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